
There are 124 files, weighing 222.7 MiB with 102,156 hits in Quran.

Displaying 61 to 80 of 124 files.


  060. Al-Mumtahina - She That Is To Be Examined
In verse 10 of this Surah it has been enjoined that the women who emigrate to 'dar al-Islam' (the Islamic State) and claim to be Muslims, should be examined hence the title Al-Mumtahinah.
» 949.9 KiB - 702 hits - 2018.09.23.

  061. As-Saf - The Ranks
The Surah derives its name from the sentence yuqatiluna fi sabil-i- hlsaff-an of verse 4.
» 875.0 KiB - 646 hits - 2018.09.25.

  062. Al-Jumua - Friday Congregation
The Surah derives its name from the sentence "idha nudiya-lis-salat-imin-yaum-il- Jumu'ati" of verse 9
» 940.1 KiB - 652 hits - 2018.09.25.

  063. Al-Munafiqoon - The Hypocrites
The Surah takes its name from the sentence "Idha jaa kal-munafiquna" of verse 1.
» 915.1 KiB - 694 hits - 2018.09.25.

  064. At-Taghabun - Mutual Disillusion
The Surah takes its name from the sentence "Dhalika yaum-ut taghabun" of verse 9
» 9 bytes - 676 hits - 2018.09.25.

  065. At-Talaq - Divorce
At-Talaq is not only the name of this Surah but also the title of its subject matter.
» 876.4 KiB - 661 hits - 2018.09.25.

  066. At-Tahrim - Banning
The Surah derived its name from the words "lima tuharrimu" of the very first verse.
» 961.4 KiB - 678 hits - 2018.09.25.

  067. Al-Mulk - The Sovereignty
The Surah takes its name "al-Mulk" from the very first sentence.
» 892.9 KiB - 686 hits - 2018.09.25.

  068. Al-Qalam - The Pen
This Surah is called "Nun" as well as "Al-Qalam", the words with which it begins.
» 917.2 KiB - 661 hits - 2018.09.26.

  069. Al-Haaqqa - The Reality
The Surah takes its name from the word "al-Haaqqah" with which it opens.
» 904.8 KiB - 707 hits - 2018.09.26.

  070. Al-Maarij - The Ascending
The Surah takes its name from the word dhil "Ma'arij" in verse 3.
» 968.5 KiB - 676 hits - 2018.09.26.

  071. Nooh - Noah
"Nuh" is the name of this Surah as well as the title of its subject matter, the story of the Prophet Noah has been related.
» 869.9 KiB - 664 hits - 2018.09.26.

  072. Al-Jinn - The Jinn
"Al-Jinn" is the name of this Surah of its subject matter, for in it the event of the Jinn's hearing the Qur'an and returning to their people to preach Islam to them.
» 899.1 KiB - 684 hits - 2018.09.26.

  073. Al-Muzammil - The Enshrouded
The Surah has been so designated after the word al-"muzzammil" occurring in the very first verse.
» 874.0 KiB - 661 hits - 2018.09.26.

  074. Al-Mudathir - The Cloaked One
The Surah takes its name from the word "al- muddaththir" in the first verse.
» 935.4 KiB - 678 hits - 2018.09.26.

  075. Al-Qiyama - Resurrection
The Surah has been so named after the word "al-Qiyamah" in the first verse.
» 902.3 KiB - 672 hits - 2018.09.26.

  076. Al-Insan - Man
This Surah is called "Ad-Dahr" as well as "Al-Insan" after the words occurring in the first verse.
» 896.4 KiB - 718 hits - 2018.09.26.

  077. Al-Mursalat - The Emissaries
The Surah takes its name from the word "wal-mursalat" in the first verse.
» 891.9 KiB - 650 hits - 2018.09.26.

  078. An-Naba - The Tidings
The Surah derived its name from the word "an-Naba" in the second verse.
» 868.5 KiB - 721 hits - 2018.09.26.

  079. An-Naziat - Those Who Drag Forth
The Surah derived its name from the word "wan-nazi`at" with which the Surah opens.
» 896.7 KiB - 637 hits - 2018.09.26.